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What’s The 1 Thing You Do Every Day To Protect Your Mental Wellbeing?

Discover What Others Do Daily to take care of their mental health. Hear people's daily tips on protecting their own mental wellbeing.

Managing your mental health can feel like a chore sometimes. Life is busy, you have pressures at school, maybe at home and you may feel like you don’t have a lot of time for yourself. This is not uncommon. Even though our mental health journeys are unique, we’re never alone in navigating them. And there’s a wealth of resources and people ready to help.

To celebrate World Mental Health Day’s 2023 theme of ‘Mental health is a universal human right,’ we asked our Head In The Game community what’s the 1 thing they do each and every day to protect their mental wellbeing.

Here’s what they shared.

Ways to Protect Your Mental Health Daily

Shout out to all those who shared their daily self-care tips:

– Carolina Agurcia Agüero

Chicago Fire FC

Doc Wayne

First Tee – Monterey County

Harlem Lacrosse

I Challenge Myself

KEEN Chicago

Kings County Tennis League

Netball America


Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.