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Growing up Madison always struggled with her identity as a light-skinned African American growing up in a predominantly white area. She didn’t see herself reflected in her environment, the topics taught at school or the educators teaching her and it had a real impact.

“I felt separated from my community because I am lighter .. I think that was definitely hard on my mental health,” she said.

She took it upon herself to dig further into her cultural identity and try and find that connection on her own, going to museums, helping her feel more comfortable about her identity. It helped her boost her confidence and embrace her uniqueness – and spark change. She worked to help get more representation among the student body and among the curriculum.

Amira, 17, knows that when she has a bad day that it’s okay. But she’s also learned it has been easy to find herself in a negative cycle or be cynical about the world around her.

“It’s been incredibly easy to just fall into this constant negative thought process, you know, being down on myself, being down on the world, you know just being cynical of everything around me and never stopping to find the good in anything.”

But she found it difficult talking to some people about her issues, highlighting the generational gap and the stigma in families of color when discussing mental wellbeing.

“Older generations often dismiss our problems, saying, ‘I had it way worse’,” she states, emphasizing the need for understanding and validation.

Tanais faced dual challenges: assisting her mother financially while attending school and navigating the revelation of her mom’s undisclosed mental health struggles. “I had to mature rapidly, with no guidance,” she reflects, underscoring the silent challenges many young individuals face.

These stories shared may strike a chord, reflecting the heightened mental health struggles Black, Indigenous, and People of Color teens face. Amplified by systemic issues, these experiences emphasize the need for understanding and advocacy.

State of Mental Health for Youth of Color

We know that black/brown teens access only half the mental care of their white peers. But more nuanced research about mental health for youth of color has been lacking.

However, groups like AAKOMA are on the frontline, advocating for more inclusive research. Their “State of Mental Health Youth of Color 2022” report gives us some critical insights.

Some data might hit close to home. But if you take anything from it, know this: you’re far from alone in how you’re feeling.

• Many youth of color are in dire need of enhanced mental health support.

• Half of the participants admitted to experiencing moderate to severe depression or anxiety.

• 42% have encountered at least one form of race-based trauma.

• Latino/e and Native American Youth reported significantly higher levels of depression and anxiety at 26%; 19% of Asian American and Pacific Islander teens reported depression and anxiety.

• Suicide attempts are twice as high for Native/Indigenous youth compared to white youth, with many other youth-of-color groups also exceeding rates of their white peers.

If you’re a teen of color navigating through this, hang tight. The systemic barriers and discrimination can be overwhelming, but change, though slow, is happening. 

Meanwhile, know that you can start taking control of your mental health, one step at a time, starting right now.

Tips to Improve Your Mental Health

🌱🌟 Choose You: Prioritize your well-being. Simple acts can make a world of difference: drink a refreshing glass of water, take a few deep, grounding breaths, or jot down something you’re grateful for today. Allow yourself moments to stretch, compliment yourself, or even declutter a small corner of your room.

🌈 🛌 Recharge & Boundaries: It’s crucial to recognize when you’re stretched thin. Give your mind a breather. Maybe it’s meditating for a few minutes, setting aside screen-free hours, or simply taking a moment to stretch between tasks. Cultivate habits that ensure your energy isn’t constantly drained.

📖 🛀 Leisure Moments: Life isn’t just about hustling. Amidst school and chores, indulge in sheer enjoyment. Whether it’s binging a show you’ve been waiting for, reading a book, challenging your friends to that new multi-player game, finally trying out thst TikTok dance or taking a relaxing shower or calm walk, make sure to carve out moments purely for pleasure.

🌍 🎨 Tap into your cultural identity: Embrace the beauty of your roots. Maybe cook a traditional meal from your culture, attend cultural events, explore fashion from diverse background or even create artwork inspired by your heritage. Seek out videos where people of your cultural identity speak openly about mental health online, making that connection between your heritage and well-being all the more meaningful. Celebrate who you are – it’s not just empowering, it’s beneficial for your mental wellbeing.

💬 👯 Seek support in meaningful relationships: It feels good to be understood. Whether it’s your cousin who just gets it, that auntie or teacher who seems pretty open and cool, or your BFF from school – lean on them. If you’re unsure where to turn, many organizations cater specifically to BIPOC youth. They’re ready to guide you, and they understand your unique experiences.

Additional Resources and Support for BIPOC Teens

The Steve Fund: A hub for young POC mental health. They team up with experts and youth to boost mental well-being understanding and support. Dive into their resources: watch videos of teens like Tanais discuss mental health, tune into podcasts, and explore more tools.

BEAM: Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective. BEAM has resources on education, training and advocacy. Why not try their peer support spaces and check in and connect with other black youth.

AAKOMA Project: The AAKOMA (African American Knowledge Optimized for Mindfully-Healthy Adolescents) Project is a charity helping to advance the mental health of young people of color and their families. They provide tailored tools, educational programs, and resources.

Black Girls Smile: This initiative designed to champion the mental health of black women and girls puts mental wellness as a vital component of overall health. Black Girls Smile offers a wealth of resources and support. This includes educational programs, workshops, and community outreach events aimed at promoting mental health awareness and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health.

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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Beyond the memes, TikToks, and endless Snap streaks, we’ve got real lives, real feelings, and real struggles. Sometimes, the most epic thing isn’t the latest challenge or trend – it’s lending an ear to a friend in need. Let’s redefine “Teen Talk” by weaving in conversations about mental health.

Tips On How To Start The Conversation On Mental Health

I know, I know. It can feel a little awkward to start a conversation about mental health. You might be worried about what you say or how to say it or if there’s a “right way.” But, just kicking off the convo can be the nudge someone might need to open up. 

If your friend’s acting different, don’t just assume they’re chatting with someone else about it. Showing you care and listening to them empowers young people to choose to speak up, if they want. 

Starting That Convo: Tips To Keep It Real

• If you get that vibe that a friend’s off or not feeling their best, slide into their DMs or just hit them up. A simple “Yo, been thinking about you. All good on your end?” or “Hey, you cool? Remember, I’m here if you ever wanna chat. No biggie,” can go a long way.

• Remember words have power. Skip using labels like “mentally ill” or “crazy” – its outdated and stigmatizing. And, unless you’re 100% sure about a diagnosis, avoid dropping medical terms like “depression” or “schizophrenia.”

• If a friend decides to share, find a spot where you both can chill comfortably. No distractions, just you two.

How To Keep It Real When You Open Up To Others:

• Jot those feelings down first if you’re nervous about talking. It can help you organize what you want to say or practice saying it.

• Keep it about you. Start with ‘I’ like, ‘I’m feeling kinda low today’ or ‘This happens, and I just…’

•If you’re dropping something heavy online, maybe drop a heads-up like “trigger warning.” Just looking out for the squad.

• Picking who to vibe with can be tricky. Think of that one person who’s got your back, who you can truly trust.

• Stay true, but go slow if you need. You don’t have to spill everything at once. Sometimes, opening up bit by bit feels right.

• Feedback is a two-way street. After sharing, ask them how they feel or if they’ve ever felt something similar. Makes the convo more of a two-way thing.

• Find your groove. We all have our ways. Face-to-face too intense? Maybe a voice note or even a meme that says it all. 

Why Helping Out Your Squad is Total Goals

Okay, real talk: Doing good stuff for others doesn’t just help them out – it’s like an instant boost for your own vibes too. When you lend a hand, it’s not just them smiling – you’ll feel pretty awesome, and that stress or anxiety? Definitely dialed down. Think about it. When one of your friends suddenly starts a cool trend, doesn’t everyone jump on? That’s how mental health habits work too. You set a positive mood, and it catches on.

Our brains are kinda like our muscles. You know, they need some workouts. So, while you’re out doing all of your regular teen things – remember that your mind needs some love. 

And, hey, teens? You kinda have this secret power: You influence each other. A lot. Remember you also have the power to boost each other up and share those healthy vibes.

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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Hey, you. Yes, you, pausing to read this. Take a deep breath in. Now, exhale it out. Feel better? Great. We needed that moment too.

Now, let us take a minute and tell you how incredible we think you are for being here. Wanting to level up your mental health is a BIG deal. We see you, and we’re cheering you on in this journey.

We know being a teen is hard on its own. And if you identify as LGBTQ+? There are many additional stressors that can impact your mental health. 

You know the saying about just the “tip of the iceberg?” It’s used to say that there’s a lot more beneath the surface than what’s immediately visible. The struggles, the worries, the stressors—what people see is often just a fraction of what’s really going on. 

On the surface, people might see your strength, your style, your sense of humor. But underneath? There’s the authentic joy of being you but there might also be the weight of stigmas, the sting of unwanted opinions, or even the outright hurtful actions you endure. Maybe it’s bullying, family rejection, or the hurdles you face trying to access proper mental health care. We get it, and it’s all so valid.

If you sometimes feel like you’re floating out there alone, remember this: nearly 2 million U.S. teens, about 9.5%, identify as LGBT. You’re part of a vast, diverse, and beautiful community and you’ve got a whole community of supporters like us in your corner.

The State of Mental Health for LGBTQ Teens

Let’s dive into some raw numbers that highlight just how crucial it is to prioritize your mental health, especially with the extra challenges you might be facing.

But before we do, let’s make one thing crystal clear: Being LGBTQ+? It’s not something you’ve done wrong. It’s a beautiful, core part of who you are. It’s not a mental health disorder or something to “fix,” regardless of what anyone says. It’s a piece of the brilliant mosaic that makes you, well, YOU.

The Trevor Project, a leading voice in suicide prevention for LGBTQ teens, reached out to 28,000 LGBT young folks like you, aged 13 to 24, from all over the US. To keep it real, the findings? They’re pretty heavy.

A staggering number of LGBTQ teens face severe mental health challenges and thoughts of self-harm. A significant chunk of this struggle is tied to experiencing anti-LGBTQ vibes and, in some cases, direct harm, according to their report.

• 41% seriously considered attempting suicide in the last year; half of transgender and nonbinary youth and 29% of cisgender youth said they felt this way.

• 67% reported recent anxiety signs, and 54% indicated depression symptoms. What’s even more concerning? 56% who wanted mental health care in the past year just couldn’t access it.

• As for the barriers? Top reasons included anxiety about discussing mental health, parental permission concerns, fears of not being taken seriously, and the high costs associated.

Tips for LGBTQ+ Teens to Manage Your Mental Wellbeing

Now that we know some of the most common feelings among teens like you, let’s tackle what we can do about it and help you re-charge your battery and improve your mental wellbeing.

1. Connect with members of the LGBTQ+ community: It can be profoundly validating to connect with others who share our experiences. Try to find an LGBTQ+ community local to you.

Even if some of their activities aren’t quite your jam, just being around others who share your experiences can help combat feelings of isolation. And it can make a huge difference, even if it is tricky first step to take.

“LGBTQ+ young people who had access to affirming homes, schools, community events, and online spaces reported lower rates of attempting suicide compared to those who did not,” according to the Trevor Project.

2.  Use free hotlines: Talking about your gender identity or sexual orientation can feel really hard as a teen. We know people your age might have trouble getting access to a mental health provider for a variety of reasons: the stigma, the cost, the worry of where to begin, or if you would need to tell your parents first. For whatever the reason, free confidential hotlines can be a great option for you to begin having some of those first chats.

Most services have options for you to call, text or chat online. Speaking to someone anonymously may give you the opportunity to speak about how you’re feeling with a sense of freedom.  

3. Find role models: Remember that 2 million number we said above – that’s tons of people who feel just like you and many of them have shared their experiences in ways that can help you. Do you have that one teacher or adult who makes sure to use pronouns properly? Or a fellow teen who is out in your school? 

Those people (whether you know them or not) can help you feel positive and empowered. It can also help to see other people like you who may be going through or have experienced similar things. And while social media can be overwhelming for a lot of reasons, you can find some super helpful videos there using hashtags like #outandproud or #queerandproud. So even if you aren’t ready to post or talk about anything, you can gain some strength and see how they are handling it.

The Trevor Project also has their own online community called TrevorSpace which they describe as “an affirming, online community for LGBTQ young people between the ages of 13-24 years old. With over 400,000 members across the globe, you can explore your identity, get advice, find support, and make friends in a moderated community intentionally designed for you.”

Additional Information and Support for LGBTQ+ Teens

The Trevor Project: This organization offers 24/7 support for LGBTQ+ youth throughout the year. If you need someone to talk to, trained counselors from The Trevor Project are available via phone, text, or online chat. We highly recommend checking out their invaluable resources, including “The Coming Out Handbook” or their “Self-Care Playlist” on Spotify. Because sometimes the best comfort comes from melodies and lyrics that resonate with our feelings. So hit play on those tunes to help to uplift, inspire, and empathize with you.

Human Rights Campaign: Recognized as the largest civil rights organization in the U.S. striving for LGBTQ+ equality, the Human Rights Campaign has a plethora of resources catered to the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. 

Noteworthy materials include guides on ‘Fighting Anti-Trans Politics‘ and moving bits of audio from teens who took part in an HRC project to leave voicemails answering the question: “What would you tell a younger queer you?” Teens from different parts of the country answered – and hearing those powerful messages from a voice like yours can really make a difference.

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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