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To introduce the concept of mental wellbeing and its importance, we open up with a poem from Alex Elle on resilience.


look at you.
still standing
after being knocked down.

look at you.
still growing
after being prodded.

look at you.
still dancing
after being defeated.

look at you, love.
still here and hopeful
after it all.

By Alex Elle, featured on Healthy Mind MHC Pinterest.

The Importance of Mental Wellbeing

Maintaining mental health has an enormous impact on our daily lives. Mental wellbeing impacts our thoughts, actions and interactions. And positive mental health empowers us to have meaningful relationships, make good decisions and work through challenges.

Unfortunately too many young Americans are experiencing poor mental health. And for youth of color, those who identify as LGBTQ+ and teen girls, studies show these groups are suffering more.

To understand what mental wellbeing is and why it’s important, hear from young people like you. Young people’s experiences and expressions of mental health can be different to adults. So it can be really helpful to listen to voices of people similar to your age or background, to build your mental health knowledge.

Thanks to Doc Wayne for asking their youth community what mental wellbeing means to them.

“For innovative ideas and solutions around teen mental wellbeing, look no further than teens. At Doc Wayne, we’re proud to partner and learn from our teens, commit to being their advocates, and to advance what matters to them.”

Rebekah Roulier, LMHC – Managing Director, Doc Wayne

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Recommended Resources


Feeling anxious, stressed or in a funk?

You are not alone.

Mental health is real.

Good mental health is important for us to manage day to day stresses, be productive, feel that you can take care of yourself.

Having good mental health may come easy to some, but for others a chore. Whatever your journey, prioritizing your mental health is an important step (high-five for being here!).👏🏾

Caring for your Mental Health through Self-Care

Self-care (not to be confused with self-indulgence or being selfish), means taking care of you (Number 1!) so you can be healthy, well, and do the things you need to do each day.

Fun fact…🤓

Google searches for ‘self-care’ has nearly quadrupled since 2018!

So what are some self-care tips when it comes to your mental wellbeing and why is it important?

Well to put it simply – self-care (whatever works for you) – can help to manage the symptoms of many mental health conditions and may also prevent some from developing or getting worse.

It’s important to explore what self-care works for you. Everyone is different (remember: there is only 1 you!) and it’s worth trying out different techniques to test out what you like and don’t like.

Stuck for ideas?

Why not listen to some self-care tips from young people like you.

Thanks to Doc Wayne for asking their community how they practice self-care.🤟🏽

“For innovative ideas and solutions around teen mental wellbeing, look no further than teens. At Doc Wayne, we’re proud to partner and learn from our teens, commit to being their advocates, and to advance what matters to them.”

Rebekah Roulier, LMHC – Managing Director, Doc Wayne

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Recommended Resources

It may start with the blare of your alarm announcing another school day. However, memories from last night’s late-night social media scroll still linger, leaving you feeling… off.

Memories of notifications from TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat flood back. With each swipe, you’re hit with scenes of seemingly ideal lives: friends at parties you weren’t invited to, influencers showcasing their ‘perfect’ moments, and that silent pressure to always measure up. So yeah, maybe you were up a little too late and didn’t get enough sleep.

And now, the morning rush begins. Your mind races. Is today the math test? Did I wrap up my English homework? And then there’s that daunting task of choosing an outfit – because it’s never just about the clothes. Choosing an outfit isn’t simply about fashion; it’s a balance between fitting in, standing out, and being authentically you.

Here’s the real deal: social media often showcases curated ‘perfect’ lives, setting sky-high standards. And we get it – you feel the immense weight of these expectations. Study after study reveals how it amplifies every insecurity and self-perceived flaw.

Teen mental health is in a fragile state, and, girl, we see you. We recognize that you might be feeling it more intensely. A CDC study found that 42% of high school students feel so overwhelmed by sadness or hopelessness that they pause their regular activities. And guess what? Teen girls felt this at a rate almost more than double their male peers.

So, if that all feels too heavy on your shoulders, remember this: you are not alone. We’re going to dive into some harrowing statistics to help show you that, but also how serious the situation is.

We want you to know every girl deserves to be celebrated for her unique spirit and essence. So rock that outfit, blast your favorite tune, and take a moment to breathe deeply. You got this, and we got you. We’ll further share some tips to help you take on your day.

The State of Mental Health for Girls Your Age

Before we unravel the data, it’s essential to understand this: being a teen girl today is not just about navigating high school hallways or curating the perfect Instagram post. It’s about facing – and surviving – a myriad of external pressures and internal battles often invisible to others.

Recent studies have illuminated the grim state of affairs for teen girls, especially when it comes to mental health and safety concerns.

A significant disparity exists between male and female students. Female students consistently report higher rates of substance use, experiences of violence, mental health issues, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors, according to the CDC. The difference is not just alarming; it’s vast and pervasive.

• Nearly 1 in 3 young girls seriously considered attempting suicide—up nearly 60% from a decade ago.

• More than 1 in 10 girls reported they attempted suicide in 2021, also increasing significantly over the decade.

• 1 in 5 girls experienced sexual violence in the past year—up 20% since 2017 when CDC started monitoring this measure.

• More than 1 in 10 teen girls said they had been forced to have sex—up 27% since 2019 and the first increase since the CDC began monitoring this measure.

• Roughly half of female college students constantly fear that they, or someone they’re close to, might fall victim to mass shootings or sexual assault.

A bit of context. These feelings among girls like you didn’t just happen because of the pandemic. It has long been made worse by recent global events like COVID and associated lockdowns.

Previous studies hint at the reasons why the mental health of teens might be worse: girls tend to internalize their negative emotions and resort to overthinking and harsh self-criticism as coping mechanisms. This mental stress can lead to burnout and severe self-critique.

Tips To Help Improve Your Mental Wellbeing

Given these challenges, here are some strategies and reminders to help navigate these pressures.

🌱🌟 Choose You: Prioritize your wellbeing. Simple acts can really add up. Sip a refreshing glass of water, jot down something you’re grateful for, or declutter a small corner of your room. Take moments to stretch and compliment yourself.

🌈 🛌 Recharge Routines: Recognize when you need a break – in real life and online. Notice who or what drains your energy. Set aside time just for you to rest and reflect. Use this time purely for relaxation and fun. On some days that looks like meditation. On others, watching the latest episode of a show, reading a chapter in a book, rehearsing TikTok dance, or a taking a walk in the sun.

🌟 😎 Embrace Your Uniqueness: We all have something special about us, and so do you. Don’t downplay yours. Maybe it’s how you laugh, your passion for a hobby, or how you show up for your friends.

Take time to recognize what makes you ‘you.’ Start a journal or a digital note to document things you love about yourself or unique experiences. Over time, revisit these moments and see how they’ve shaped the beautiful individual you’ve become.

🎨 🎬 Channel Creativity: Sometimes you just don’t want to talk. But there are some great ways to channel your feelings into creativity.

• Build a playlist filled with songs by powerful female artists. (If you need a starting point, Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation has a great playlist of songs to inspire mental wellness.)

• Try journaling. Writing offers an outlet to navigate your emotions. Remember, it isn’t about being a perfect expression. It’s about getting those feelings out.

• Art therapy can really help. And it doesn’t have to be hard for those who consider themselves artists. Maybe it’s doodling, even on the back of old receipts. Perhaps you like to sketch. It could be photography on your phone, or using free apps to color and take your mind off things.

• Creating your own inspirational mood board can also set a positive tone and give you something to return to on tougher days. It doesn’t need to be fancy. Cut out what inspires you from old magazines, newspaper or flyers.

🗣️ 🙋🏽‍♀️ Seek Support in Relationships: Sometimes, you just need that person you trust to let it all out. Maybe you need advice, or maybe just vent. Let them know what you need. Lean on whoever it is that makes you feel most safe and comfy. Maybe it’s that BFF who just gets you, but it could also be a cousin, aunt, or teacher who you feel more comfortable with. It can be hard to bring up things about our self-image or self-confidence, dating, or feeling comfortable in your own body, but know that these women may have experienced similar feelings and can offer suggestions.

👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻 💫 Draw Inspiration From Other Females: Dive into the experiences of inspiring women. Connect with the openness of figures like Selena Gomez, Zendaya, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, and Demi Lovato, who have candidly shared their personal challenges. They may have an entirely different life than you, but they’re also using their platforms to share some mental health or self-confidence issues they’ve had. And normalizing that can help you understand there’s a tribe to support you and remind you we’re in this together.

🧍🏾‍♀️👩🏼‍🦽Understand Your Body: Teen years come with lots of changes for girls. Some evident, some subtle. And those changes can be different for different girls. Do your best to try and understand how those changes may impact your mood. During this time, it is essential to focus on your sleep, hydration, food, and exercise. Remember, exercise can be anything that helps you move, celebrate, and empower your changing body.

Additional Resources To Improve Your Mental Mealth 

Mental Health Is Health: This MTV initiative emphasizes that mental wellbeing is as crucial as physical health. The campaign encourages open discussions about mental health, connects individuals to vital resources, and inspires proactive mental health actions.

They have an extremely helpful starting point for teens like you. Click here and scroll down and start by picking from a feeling or experience you are going through and get helpful tailored tips. We also really like their section on how to be there for a friend in need and their Mental Health 101 page.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): This organization is a fantastic resource for diving into support and education about the impact of mental health, including a comprehensive list of resources for young adults. NAMI helps break down options for teens on how to find help, help your friends, and talk to your parents.

NAMI recently launched a free, nationwide Teen & Young Adult (T&YA) helpline. You can connect with trained peers who have gone through situations just like you and help provide support and information. You can text, call or chat with them Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM ET.

GirlsHealth: This dedicated platform for young females is run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and has some great interactive tools, quizzes and top tips on body basics, nutrition, and managing stress to digital communication and understanding relationships.

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Recommended Resources

Even before high school, Maria was an anxious and shy child. She remembers gathering up her courage to begin speaking to a therapist about her problems – it took about a month until she really felt comfortable talking about her feelings, and waking up in the middle of the night with what she and her family thought were Asthma-related attacks.

Maria learned those moments were likely panic attacks from anxiety and depression, and she was given medication. While her mental health journey has been difficult, she sees the real impact of her work.

“You would not recognize the person from before I was seeking help and then the person I am now, and it really helped me grow into myself,” Maria said.

But, like many other Latinx youth, Maria’s story is not quite simple. When she was first given medication, her father immediately got rid of all of it.

“I remember him going on a whole like speech for like about an hour saying how I shouldn’t be that weak and that I should be stronger and I shouldn’t complain about things,” Maria said about her parents, who both had difficult childhoods before coming to the United States. “Their mentality was, what they went through, they came out fine, they didn’t have to talk to anyone, so why should I have to talk to anyone?”

That might be an unfortunate common response you might know all too well. Latino teens like you have consistently said you felt like it was harder to talk about mental health because of cultural stigmas or how seeking help is viewed in your community.

Two other students from Maria’s high school, Christopher and Karen, both said they had similar experiences. Both said it was looked at as weak, feminine or something was wrong with you if you sought help.

When we don’t feel comfortable talking about our feelings and emotions, they can accumulate and become more challenging to handle over time. And we already know that young people of color, including Latinx teens, often don’t seek mental health support as often as their white counterparts. Amplified by systemic issues, these experiences emphasize the need for understanding and advocacy.

State of Mental Health for Hispanic/Latinx Youth

While in-depth research about mental health specifically for Latinx youth isn’t as nuanced as it should be, organizations like the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been gathering essential data. Their recent findings provide some crucial perspectives.

Some of this might sound all too familiar but remember this: you’re not alone in your experiences or feelings.

– More than 18% of the Latinx community have reported having a mental health condition. Within that group, over 24% have been identified as having a serious mental illness.

– 40.3% of Hispanic individuals have experienced symptoms of depression, which is considerably higher than the 25.3% of white individuals who reported the same.

– Hispanic and multiracial students often felt more persistent sadness or hopelessness than their Asian, Black, and White peers.

– Hispanic students skipped school more often due to safety concerns compared to Asian, White, and multiracial students.

– Factors making it challenging for Latinos to access quality mental health care include language barriers, the lack of insurance, and not enough culturally tailored services or competent professionals.

If you’re a Latinx teen trying to find your way amidst these stats, don’t let them stop you from making positive changes. While the obstacles and disparities are real, there are also shifts toward improvement. Remember, your mental health journey is essential, and you can take positive steps towards better wellbeing today.

Tips to Boost Your Mental Wellbeing as a Hispanic/Latinx Teen

You have the power to nurture and improve your mental health. Take it step by step, and start today. Here are a few options to try out:

Choose You: Prioritize your wellbeing. Small acts can spark significant changes: sip on a chilled drink, take a few grounding breaths, or note down a moment that made you smile today. Grant yourself the time to stretch, give yourself a pep talk, or tidy up a little space in your room.

Recharge Routines: Recognize when you need a pause. Let your mind rest. Whether it’s meditating, having tech-free hours, or merely stretching your limbs between tasks, develop habits that prevent you from constantly feeling exhausted.

Leisure Moments: Life isn’t all about hard work. Amid school and other responsibilities, find moments of pure joy. Dive into that show everyone’s discussing, get lost in a book, challenge friends to the latest online game, try mastering that popular dance, or simply enjoy a warm bath or a peaceful walk.

Tap into Your Roots: Celebrate the beauty and richness of your culture. Prepare a cherished family recipe, attend local cultural events, explore traditional attires, or create art that reflects your heritage. Search for videos of Latinx individuals discussing mental health; understanding the link between your cultural identity and wellbeing is crucial.

Seek Support: There’s strength in being understood. It might be a cousin who always gets you, an aunt or teacher who’s always there to listen, or a close friend from school – rely reach out to them. If you’re looking for more guidance, there are many groups specifically designed to support Latinx youth, ready to help with the unique challenges you might face.

Young people dancing on a sports pitch

Additional Resources and Support for Latinx Teens

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): This organization provides several resources for English and Spanish-speaking individuals, including some personal blog posts about Latinx identity and depression.

Check out their three-part video series Compartiendo Esperanza. It serves as a good guide and discussion about mental wellness in the Hispanic/Latinx community and how it can improve through dialogue, telling stories and a guided discussion.

The Steve Fund: A hub for mental health tips for teens of color. They team up with experts and youth to boost mental wellbeing, understanding and support. Dive into their resources: watch videos of other teens discussing their mental health, listen to podcasts, and explore more tools.

We want to highlight an interactive session the Steve Fund helped with on YouTube called Girls Rising! The video focuses on mental health as a priority for Latina girls and is led by a well-known and respected Latina trauma therapist who breaks down and talks about the specific language and barriers used around mental health in the Latinx community as well as tips, empowering tools and interactive activities to help center you.

Latinxtherapy: This site has a wealth of resources specifically for you, including a bilingual podcast focused on helping move past mental health myths in the Latinx community and providing self-care tips. It also has a wealth of content, including resources and YouTube channels that focus on mental health and are available in English and Spanish.

Mental Health Is Health: This MTV initiative emphasizes that mental wellbeing is as crucial as physical health. The campaign encourages open discussions about mental health, connects individuals to vital resources, and inspires proactive mental health actions.

They have an extremely helpful starting point for teens like you. Click here and scroll down and start by picking from a feeling or experience you are going through and get helpful tailored tips. We also really like their section on how to be there for a friend in need and their Mental Health 101 page.

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Recommended Resources

Managing your mental health can feel like a chore sometimes. Life is busy, you have pressures at school, maybe at home and you may feel like you don’t have a lot of time for yourself. This is not uncommon. Even though our mental health journeys are unique, we’re never alone in navigating them. And there’s a wealth of resources and people ready to help.

To celebrate World Mental Health Day’s 2023 theme of ‘Mental health is a universal human right,’ we asked our Head In The Game community what’s the 1 thing they do each and every day to protect their mental wellbeing.

Here’s what they shared.

Ways to Protect Your Mental Health Daily

Shout out to all those who shared their daily self-care tips:

– Carolina Agurcia Agüero

Chicago Fire FC

Doc Wayne

First Tee – Monterey County

Harlem Lacrosse

I Challenge Myself

KEEN Chicago

Kings County Tennis League

Netball America


Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Recommended Resources

Diving into the maze of teen mental health data can be daunting. The landscape is painted with alarming stats and figures about increasing rates of loneliness or anxiety. But, beneath the surface lies an important truth: while teens might wear a facade of indifference, many DO want to talk to trusted adults about their mental health.

There’s a huge opportunity for adults like you to step in and help young people who might be experiencing sadness, loneliness, anxiety, depression or other mental health challenges.

Tips for Adults on How to Support Young People with their Mental Wellbeing

Don’t know where to start?

What better way than to listen to young people about what they wish adults knew about supporting teens like them with their mental health.

Thanks to Doc Wayne for speaking with their community members to create these tips.

“For innovative ideas and solutions around teen mental wellbeing, look no further than teens. At Doc Wayne, we’re proud to partner and learn from our teens, commit to being their advocates, and to advance what matters to them.”

Rebekah Roulier, LMHC – Managing Director, Doc Wayne

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Recommended Resources

You’re just trying to keep up with schoolwork, friends, and figure out who you are, and the world decides to toss in massive concerns like climate change, school violence gun violence.

It’s a little overwhelming, right? It’s okay to feel that way and admit it! Sometimes that’s the first step. You may feel like you’re just one person, but your impact still matters. Small moves can spark big changes. And for those global headaches that feel way out of reach, we’ve got some tools and tips to help you navigate and cope.

What Worries you The Most and How to Manage the Uncertainty

There have been a lot of new stressors in recent years in America that has made mental health struggles even more difficult. From the overwhelming ripples of the COVID-19 pandemic to racial injustices, school shootings, and the palpable political divide, it’s been a lot to process, according to recent polls.

These surveys shed light on the sentiments and concerns of young Americans like you, offering a snapshot of how your peers perceive the current climate in throughout the country (as well as the actual climate crisis).

– 59% of your peers believe that their own rights are under attack.

– Only 33% trust in the United States Supreme Court to “do the right thing” all or most of the time.

– 75% are moderately, very or extremely worried about climate change.

– Nearly half your peers have felt unsafe in the past month, with 40% worried about falling victim to gun violence.

– 73% believe homelessness can happen to anyone.

Let those numbers show you that you’re not on your own worrying about those heavy topics.

But it is essential to remember that as stress piles up, it can mess with your focus and mindset. So, why not focus on zeroing in on the things in your power and strengthening your mental resilience?

Here’s how:

1 – Switch your thinking from negative to positive: If you’re thinking over potential consequences, it can spiral into lots of negative thinking. You may even feel afraid before something has even happened. Instead, try to imagine the best possible scenario.

2 – Think about a friend: Imagine your friend came to you with a worry, what advice would you give them? It can be helpful to play this out in your mind and can give you a new perspective.

3 – Stay educated, but know when to step back: It’s great to be in the know, but in today’s age of non-stop news alerts and doom scrolling, it’s easy to experience information overload. When times are tough, consider setting boundaries on how often you check the news. This is especially important when you’re constantly exposed to distressing images or videos.

4 – Take control of what you can control: There’s power in the choices you make. Whether it’s lending a hand in your community, joining forces with a group that resonates, or hitting the ballot box – every bit counts in carving out your path forward.

How Teens like you can Make a Difference

You may feel so strongly about a social cause or issue in your community or beyond that you want to do something about it. Or, maybe you just want more information to help you understand what’s happening to the world.

Groups at school or in your community:

– See what groups there are at school: Consider joining a Gay-Straight Alliance, LGBTQ+ club, Black Student Union, Latinx Student Association, or Asian-Pacific Islander Club. These groups offer a chance to connect with peers who share similar concerns, providing a sense of belonging. If you’re passionate about the environment, look into environmental or sustainability initiatives at your school to get involved.

Don’t see your passion represented? Ask an adult you feel comfortable with about starting something fresh.

Check in at the community level:

– Explore local avenues for civic engagement: Consider joining local chapters of national organizations like the NAACP or Sierra Club, or attending town hall meetings to voice your concerns.

– Community centers, such as the YMCA, often have programs on social justice or environmental initiatives. Participate in community clean-ups, or collaborate with faith-based organizations on outreach programs.

– Local libraries frequently host events on civic issues, and mentorship opportunities, like those provided by Big Brothers Big Sisters, can have a direct positive impact. Even on a local scale, your actions can ripple into broader change.

Dive into existing resources: No need to reinvent the wheel. There are many great groups out there to help point you in the right direction. Here are some we particularly like!

– Not sure how to best use your time? Enter 80,000 Hours which can help you figure out the best way to help others and take action, including research and support to help students and recent graduates. They have great online guides, a podcast and more.

– Maybe you’re good at expressing yourself in words. Do The Write Thing can help you put that skill to good use. It’s a national campaign to stop violence through a writing program for middle school students. So far 1.2 million students have pledged to end youth violence and Do The Write Thing has many impact stories, resources and ways in which youth can get involved.

– If you care about fighting for sexual health, rights and justice around the world you might look into Advocates for Youth. They bring together youth and adult allies to join forces and fight for rights related to body autonomy as well as programs and systems to secure sexual health and equity. Scroll through their “Issues” section or explore their events and resource guides for ways to get involved.

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Recommended Resources

Your mental health relates to your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Sometimes, that’s a lot to wrap your head around. So, we like to think of it like your phone’s battery life. Just like your phone needs to be charged, your mind has its own kind of “energy” that needs to be looked after. On days when you’re feeling on top of the world, your battery might be at a full 100%, lighting up every app and running smoothly.

But we all have those days when our “battery” feels like it’s running dangerously low and in desperate need of a recharge. That doesn’t mean your phone is broken; it just means it’s been working hard and needs some time to recover.

Not taking breaks, facing continuous stress, or not addressing emotional issues is like running a ton of apps in the background. They drain your battery faster, even if you’re not actively using them. Recognizing which “apps” (or stressors) are draining your energy is a huge step in understanding how to manage your mental health.

Just as you wouldn’t blame your phone for running low on charge after a long day, you shouldn’t blame yourself for feeling mentally drained. Instead, plug into supportive resources, talk to someone, and give yourself the sleep and rest “charge” you need. Remember, even phones need downtime to update and optimize. Your mind deserves the same care and attention.

What Can Affect your Mental Health?

Just like a phone overloaded with open apps, your mind can feel swamped by life’s many challenges. It’s entirely okay to “close” some of those mental tasks so you aren’t perpetually dwelling on them, allowing you a chance to breathe.

Perhaps you’re pondering a challenging situation at school or considering how to discuss something with your parents. Added to that, maybe you’re grappling with residual loneliness or anxiety from the pandemic. Processing all these thoughts simultaneously can be exhausting. Pause for a moment, prioritize your concerns, and decide which mental “apps” you can temporarily close to give yourself some relief.

Just as your phone gets constant notifications, life can ping your emotions unexpectedly. Everyone handles these “notifications” differently. Some might swipe away an issue with ease, while others might find it tougher. Your reactions are unique and valid. Remember, our mental health journeys are personal.

We also know sometimes it can be hard to talk about your mental health due to stigmas and avoidance in some communities —those clouds of judgment that hover around something completely natural. It’s not uncommon for stigmas to be born out of cultural values or reinforced by systems we interact with daily, like schools.

But here’s the silver lining: even though our mental health journeys are unique, we’re never alone in navigating them. There’s a wealth of resources and people ready to help. By opening up, you might just give your mental battery a boost and inspire someone else to do the same. Your voice matters. Share it.

Tips to Improve your Mental Health

Wanna boost your mental game? Check out these power moves to level up 🚀 and feel your best:

📝 📖 Journaling: Feeling some kind of way? Get your feelings down on paper or even your notes app if you’re on the go. Getting those thoughts out of your head can be a game-changer for processing and understanding emotions.

🧘🏽‍♀️ 🌬️Practice meditation and/or breathing exercises: Meditation and breathing exercises are like hitting the “refresh” button for your brain, clearing away stress and overthinking. They can help you step out of the whirlwind of overwhelming thoughts and anchor you in the present moment. By tuning into the now, you can clear the mental fog, feel more centered, and handle life’s curveballs with a clearer mind.

🌞 🌲 Get some fresh air: Ditch the screens for a bit. Go for a walk or run, lie in the grass, or just feel the breeze. Nature is basically a free mood booster.

🏀 🎨 Find a hobby you love: Whether it’s shooting hoops, sketching, or listening to music/dancing – find your passion and rock it. It can give you a grounding anchor – a space where you can control the narrative, pour out your feelings, and rediscover balance and joy.

👫 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾Stay social: Connect with your squad. Whether it’s old friends, new ones, or family, staying connected keeps you grounded.

🌟❤️ Practice gratitude: Tuning into the small wins can be a total game-changer. That unexpected compliment on your style.  Scoring those concert tickets. Finding the perfect song that just gets you. Nailing the latest Tik Tok challenge or sinking a tough shot in the game. Finding moments of gratitude not only boosts your mood but also helps you zoom out and appreciate the bigger picture. Especially on days when things feel overwhelming, these small reminders can make all the difference.

🗣️💬 Talk to someone: We know this one takes courage, but talking can be the ultimate power move. Speaking up can lighten your load. Whether it’s with your bestie, an adult you trust or with a mental health professional that can give you the best resources tailored to what you’re going through. 

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Recommended Resources

Diving into the maze of teen mental health data can be daunting. The landscape is painted with alarming stats and figures about increasing rates of loneliness or anxiety. But, beneath the surface lies an important truth: while teens might wear a facade of indifference, many DO want to talk to trusted adults about their mental health.

95% of teens polled in recent research say they seek information from their parents or guardians about mental health AND genuinely trust your input. But here’s the catch: while they’re open to discussion, they often won’t bring it up on their own. Just under half of teens reported engaging in regular conversations.

That’s a huge gap — and a massive opportunity for you to step in and help your child or another teen who might be experiencing sadness, loneliness, anxiety, depression or other mental wellbeing challenges.

It’s important to begin having those chats as early as you can – half of mental health issues start by age 14. Helping young people talk about mental health early on can help focus on prevention and building their resilience before a specific mental health problem may occur.

While the teenage years can be challenging, filled with mood swings and arguments, it’s essential to understand that these behaviors are part of their development, both mentally and personally. Teens often face sleep deprivation due to early school start times and hormonal changes, leading to heightened stress sensitivity and irritability.

The silver lining is that most teens are open to these conversations about this. But just as each teen is unique, the approach will also vary. Let’s dive into a variety of options to help you delicately open those communication airwaves.

Tips for Adults on How to Talk to Teens about Mental Health

Like all things, timing is important.

“It’s important to make space to be together without an agenda or pressure. Conversation flows best when it naturally occurs,” according to the non-profit Mental Health America. “Consider bringing up the topic of mental health when doing chores, cooking, hanging out, or in the car. Be aware of changes in your child’s willingness to engage with you. If they are busy, or having a bad day you may want to wait until they are less preoccupied.”

If you don’t know where to start, or want to prepare in advance, the organization has a fantastic list of conversation starters and do’s and don’ts to help you through those first chats.

1. Encourage and normalize talking about emotions: Share your own feelings and experiences, handling emotions in a healthy way. Show them that everyone, regardless of age, goes through emotional ups and downs and it’s okay to express themselves. These practices might help you start:

Check-ins: Make it a habit to ask about their day and feelings, such as with a simple “What made you happy today?” or “Was there anything that upset you?”

Pop culture discussions: Use that show your child has been really excited about as a jumping off point. If the film tackles any emotional themes, try to discuss the characters’ feelings, relating them to real-life scenarios.

2. Listen and validate their experiences: Prioritize moments to truly hear them out. Listen to them and talk with them about what they are going through, ensuring they feel acknowledged without immediately jumping to solutions or judgments. Emphasize you’re creating a judgment-free zone.

Be open and curious and compassionate towards their experiences: Asking open-ended questions can be helpful to show you both want to deepen your understanding and will not immediately jump in and interrupt them. 

– If it is still a little hard to figure out what that might look like for you, watch this conversation between a mother who is a therapist and her daughter as they model a discussion about the impact of gun violence on mental health.

3. Make sure they know it’s not their fault: Opening up to you will be a really big, brave step for many teens. If they come to you worried about a situation, or if they are struggling with their mental wellbeing offer words of validation and comfort, reinforcing that their feelings and experiences are legitimate and important. You can do this by: 

Start with empathetic responses: Try and use language that shows understanding and empathy, making them feel seen and acknowledged. 

Normalizing the Struggle: Let them know that mental health challenges are a part of many people’s lives and do not imply any fault or flaw on their part. These experiences are a piece of their journey, not the entirety of their identity. 

Highlighting their strengths: Remind them of their unique qualities, talents, and passions, emphasizing that their mental health does not define their entire being. Encourage them to recognize and celebrate their achievements and attributes, both big and small.

4. Let them ask you questions: If you’ve created a space for these conversations, be ready to be open and help them with the information they need if you don’t have the answers. It’s OK if you don’t know. Find the resources to educate yourself and go over what you’ve learned with them. That follow through will show you are taking them seriously and show you care!

5. Talk about mental health using analogies: If talking about feelings in your family or community is a bit taboo, it can help to use an analogy. You can explain to teens that just like when you have a headache from straining your eyes too long, your mind can also feel strained and need a break when there’s too much stress.

A sprained ankle impacts how your legs feel or how you walk, just like anxiety or depression are challenges that happen in the brain. Remind them It’s all part of our health, and it’s completely okay to talk about any part of it, whether it’s our body or our mind.

6. Talk about self-care and prevention: Encouraging young people to try and take care of themselves regularly can be critical toward their future health and happiness. Things like maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and meditating are all ways to build good mental wellbeing and benefit them physically too.

Keep an eye on these areas too, because sudden changes or symptoms may give a hint that something is wrong. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has a really helpful list of warning signs and symptoms to help you out.

This applies to you, parents and caregivers. Teens watch and model your behavior.

7. Remind them it’s a journey: That whole saying about being a marathon and not a sprint applies here, even if it’s not the immediate answer we all want. Emphasize that understanding and expressing feelings is a journey and that it’s okay not to have all the words or answers right away. Celebrate the small steps with them and revelations as they come!

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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The connection between physical activity and improved mental health have been recognized for quite some time. An ancient thought holds up remarkably well in the present. The saying focuses on the importance of a “healthy mind in a healthy body.”

That’s why engaging in sports and exercise isn’t just about physical fitness; it’s also a secret weapon for your mental wellbeing. And guess what? Your mental strength can also level up your game!

There’s proof to back it up: Research shows that 12th-grade girls who played sports had higher self-esteem and self-confidence and fewer feelings of loneliness, self-doubt, hopelessness, and sadness. Students playing team sports in grades 8 through 12 said they also had less stress and better mental health as young adults, according to another study.

Five Ways Sports and Exercise Can Boost Your Mental Game

Whether you’re a sports enthusiast or simply aiming to stay active, there’s a scientifically proven mood-enhancing magic in sports and exercise. 

Let’s explore how it works:

🌟 Self-esteem: Playing sports makes you feel like a champion and is linked with better social skills and fewer gloomy days. 

🌟 Personal Power-Up: Sports help you score big at life skills, like keeping calm under pressure and exploring your personal potential. Playing a sport can also teach you resilience and determination to help in other areas of your life including your mental wellbeing.

🌟 Social benefits: Most sports can act like a built-in support system. You’ll learn skills at team-building and making new friends. You’ll also be forming positive relationships with coaches, and social skills like teamwork to help in other areas of life. Some of these people may become trusted adults or friends you can talk to about the hard times in life and navigating mental health issues.

🌟 Character-building: While many people focus on getting stronger physically from sports, it also helps to influence personal development.

🌟 Healthy Mind, Healthy You: Sports can act as a shield against bad vibes. You can get a break from the daily grind, move your body, refocus your mind, boost your self-image, keep emotional distress at bay, and protect yourself from risky behaviors, including substance abuse.

Okay, now we know why sports and exercise can give you that extra edge to help build your mental wellbeing.

The Impact Beyond the Field

We get it—sports aren’t for everyone. But don’t limit yourself. There are so many ways to enjoy moving your body and getting regular exercise is really important. Sports can help make that feel like less of a chore.  

If the sports at school don’t connect, look for other options and remember it doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s easy to incorporate exercise into your daily routine without expensive equipment. Walking, running, climbing stairs, and jumping rope are all good to get the heart pumping. If you’re interested in weightlifting, try improvising with water-filled bottles. For guided workouts, explore free stretching or yoga classes on YouTube. Or check out local organizations and non-profits that might offer free or low-cost fitness classes in your community.

Any of these are great choices!

Remember, just getting your heart rate up and staying active for at least 60 min a day is just as beneficial as playing on a sports team.

What’s awesome is that there are great organizations and community groups out there that blend sports with other interests, making participation more accessible. Using sports intentionally can also be a powerful tool for learning and enhancing other aspects of your life or community, such as getting involved in youth activism.

Here are some examples of how sports are making an impact beyond the playing field, from 4 of our Head In The Game grantees:

Rainbow Labs – emboldens Queer and Gender Nonconforming Youth to discover, curate, and experiment through community building programs and a series of after-school programming (both in-person and online) across California. 

Chicago Voyagers – offers adventures programs for Chicagoland teens to discover themselves and grow their potential. 

Run4Fun – empowering the mental health and wellness of young people for life through the healing power of running and play. 

Homegrown Lacrosse – a Twin-Cities nonprofit empowering youth through a wide variety of lacrosse programs. 

Disclaimer: This website offers general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. We are not clinicians or trained professionals; this information should not replace seeking help from a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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